- September 7, 2016 - Glucose Test (1hr.) and check up
- August 8, 2016 - One more ultrasound, they couldn't get all the pictures...need to see those cute feet and umbilical cord insertion. Everything looks great -- perfect little feet and insertion. We even got to do a 3D picture!
- July 6, 2016 - 20 week ultrasound and anatomy scan! IT'S A GIRL! All is good and normal - heartbeat 155bpm. Baby measuring in at 10 inches and weighing 10 ounces. Right on schedule as our original due date -- November 24/25th -- Thanksgiving!!
- June 17, 2016 - Moved into our new house!!
- June 16, 2016 - Back to meet with Regular OB - all is good - heartbeat 155bpm
- June 10, 2016 - Visit with Family Practitioner to check out other injuries from crash -- mild concussion and whiplash, wrist strain
- June 9, 2016 - Visit with on call OB to check baby after car accident. No signs of distress, heartbeat 150bpm
- June 8, 2016 - Car accident...Good LORD.
- May 23, 2016 - Second visit with OB - heartbeat 153bpm
- May 5, 2016 - First visit with "normal" OBGYN - heard the heartbeat for the first time - 163bpm :)
- April 30, 2016 - 10w1d - Stopped all supplementary medication as the placenta is now making enough hormones on its own
- April 29, 2016 - 10w0d - Second Ultrasound; baby measuring in at 36mm/1.42 inches. Released from specialty clinic!!
- April 15, 2016 - 8w0d - First Ultrasound; baby measuring in at 17mm/0.67 inches
- March 28, 2016 - BETA #3 - 3553!
- March 21, 2016 - BETA #2 - 297!
- March 18, 2016 - BETA #1 - 120!
- March 9, 2016 - Transfer Day
- March 8, 2016 - Milestone Day 20 - Lining was over 8mm; transfer scheduled for 3/9/16!
- March 2, 2016 - Milestone Day 14 -- Lining at 7mm, good to go for transfer.
- February 18, 2016 - Started "REAL" cycle for embryo transfer
- February 1, 2016 - Lining checked and all was good with new meds
- January, 2016 - Started injectable estrogen
- December, 2015 - Reached out to clinic to start process again
- September 11th to December 2015: SABBATICAL
- September 11th, 2015 - Things didn't go as planned. Taking a break to help sort out emotions.
September 11th thru 18th, 2015 - Scheduled EMBRYO TRANSFER (OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)- September 6th thru 10th, 2015 - Scheduled Retrieval with donor (dependent on how the donor responds, Hubby will be given a two day notice of when he needs to come in and give his sperm sample)
- August 31st, 2015 - Ultrasound/lining check/blood draw
- August 18th, 2015 - Start additional hormones (Estrace et al - she didn't get into these specifically on the phone; will know more at meeting)
- August 17th, 2015 - Ultrasound/lining check/blood draw
- August 12th, 2015 - Last BC pills/all done!
August 8th, 2015 - Start Lupron injections(no longer needed due to medical history)- August 5th, 2015 - RN Consultation - go over all the specifics...details about what the donor has to do, what we have to do, all the medicines, how to administer medicine, any questions and concerns, etc.
- July 19th, 2015 - Start taking my active BC pills (the ones I've been on for 6 months already...they basically just want me to continue)
- July 15th, 2015 - Received ATTAIN medical approval! Finishing details on contract and loan financing.
- July 13, 2015 - New Decision Date on whether or not to move forward with egg donor.
- Moving forward with Donor via the Attain program. Program details were submitted via the clinic for approval, waiting for results.
- July 6, 2015 - Decision Date on whether or not to move forward with egg donor; asked for a one week extension.
- June 29, 2015 - Received "The Call" from the clinic offering us an egg donor match
- June 19-20, 2015 - Finally received results from the Clinic to Hubby's test; spoke with his family about the details so they were all aware. Bombed my second Whole30, so now just trying to live life and make healthy decisions.
- June 16, 2015 - Started my second Whole30 to continue getting healthy for this baby! Also, we haven't heard a peep from the clinic regarding Hubby's latest blood test....dumb.
- June 11, 2015 - Finished my first Whole30 program...down almost 10lbs and 14+ inches overall!
- June 7, 2015 - Hubby finally decides to go in and get his last test done for recessive diseases.
- May 21, 2015 - Found out hubby needs to have another test for recessive diseases -- there goes another $300!
- May 12, 2015 - Received thyroid results...TSH 1.85 - we're back in normal range! (time to be a sitting duck)
- May 11, 2015 - Starting the Whole30 to better balance my body and get it "in shape" to carry a baby...
- May 7, 2015 - Went back into the Clinic to get thyroid levels checked...waiting for results
- April 1, 2015 - Started new Thyroid meds -- TSH 5.15, above normal
- February 2015 - all appointments scheduled for pre-screening donor process (i.e. Saline Infused Sonogram, PSA, all blood tests/STD testing)
- January 2015 - Went back to see Dr. J after our "break" - was cleared to get on list for donor eggs. Started new medicine regiment.
- August 2014 - Big Blowout with Hubby...stopped all counseling with Dr. J.
- July 2014 - Went back to the clinic to get uterus checked out - things went well and found out I'd still be able to carry and have a baby just needed to use donor eggs. Started therapy with Dr. J.
- April 30th, 2014 - Met with my first ever fertility doctor to see if there were any other options to have a family. Ovaries don't work but let's see if the uterus does...was put on super expensive medicine for 3 months.
- April 29th, 2014 - Celebrated 10 years of being cancer-free
- September 2012 - Married the Love of my Life
- June 2011 - Hubby proposed on the beaches of Maui
- January 2007 - Completed annual cancer-screening checkup and met with Endocrinologist for fertility testing...received the devastating news of being sterile and lost all hope of every having a family and being a mother.
- February 2005 - Met my husband in college and began dating for a LONG time :)
- September 2004 - Went to college...Doctors and parents thought this would never happen as I could barely walk and lost over 60 pounds in under 3 months time.
- August 2004 - Left RMH and returned home
- May 12th, 2004 - All counts were raised and I was released early from the ICU because my marrow transplant was so successful. Transferred the Ronald McDonald House/RMH for recovery until 100 days post transplant
- April 29th, 2004 - Received Life Saving Bone Marrow Transplant - officially this day will be known as my "RE-Birthday" - Donor gave marrow at 8AM and I received marrow at 8PM
- April 2004 - Found second perfect match from Bone Marrow Registry, prepared for bone marrow transplant consisting of bone marrow extraction, 3 days of full body radiation
- February 2004 - Found first perfect match from Bone Marrow Registry; started testing -- turns out match has Hepatitis B and is not a viable candidate.
- December 2003 - Relapsed with AML, hospitalized again...chemotherapy and search for a bone marrow match to do a transplant
- April 2003 - Went back to school and back to my regular life
- December 2002 - Put in remission; maintenance chemotherapy until April 2003.
- October 2002 - Diagnosed with Acute Mylegenous Leukemia/AML (age 16) - rush to hospital for treatment, quarantined in hospital.
Infertility Sucks. No matter who you are, where you're from, or what you do...if you're dealing with infertility, I feel for you because I'm right there with you. Explained or unexplained, this is my journey of finding answers and hope through the storm.
Timeline of Events
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