Monday, May 11, 2015

Thyroid & Weight Loss

Well, I have a few updates...I was scheduled to go back into the clinic to get my thyroid levels checked out after being on meds for a little over a month. I went in on Thursday of last week, had a blood draw and that was that. Being my "family friend" works at the clinic, I was able to get a "behind the scenes" tour and meet a lot of the nursing staff, say "Hello!" to Dr. C and actually meet the coordinators who deal with the donors and are involved in the personal process of choosing donors for clients. It was nice to put a face with a name...but, I almost thought to myself, "You better pick a good one." If you're wondering, we don't just have to go on their word and pick the one they choose. They could give us multiple options or if the option they give us is not compliant to what we want, we can pass and wait for another. They basically give you all the details on what they feel is a "perfect" match and then we review and approve or decline. 

But, anyways...figured I would get some results pretty quick on those TSH levels...but, I haven't heard a thing. I'm excited to know if something has changed...but, my body hasn't really felt any different. I emailed the nurse today that is my "SPC/Single point of contact" if I need anything answer, apparently she was sick, I just wait. Love this waiting :P

Also, they reminded me last week that I really need to focus on my health and getting healthy...if I'm going to carry a baby in my body, I have to prepare the "vessel" and make it the best it can be. I guess this never really resonated with me...I mean, I've always had weight issues, I've always wanted to be thinner and more fit. But, now, this is a bigger deal...this is a hormonal issue, this is a weight issue, this is a health issue that is not only affecting me but it's affecting my unborn, future child. So, I'm taking it seriously...I'm not sure what "clicked" but today I was the first day of the rest of my life. The docs suggested the Whole30 program ('s basically just eating clean, cutting out all sugar/carbs, dairy, grains for 30 days or more to "reset" your body and emotional relationship with food. It helps with chronic pain, obesity, emotional eating, PCOS/ name it and today is my Day 1. Super strict...apparently if you F'up, you have to start over again....soooo hopefully I can make it. I'm done with Day 1 and doing good :) Keep your fingers order to get this baby, they want me down a good 20 lbs....

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