Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Two Calls in One Day...I guess it does help to complain?

Well, yesterday I ranted on about no communication from the clinic on what's going on or results for tests, etc. Turns out that after all my complaining and questioning and emails, we get calls from everyone today!

The donor coordinator reached out to me this afternoon via telephone...I got a little nervous because I wasn't expecting a phone call, since I emailed her yesterday. I sometimes wonder to myself, what am I going to do when they call and tell us they have a donor? Am I going to be excited? Scared? Happy? Sad? How am I going to react? Will I scream? Will I cry? Will I just be stunned and silent in shock? Who knows...but, my stomach had butterflies or sunk a little like when you ride on a rollercoaster when I saw the call come in even though I knew it wasn't for that...yet.

She basically called to "check in" and let me know that Hubby's results are back and that Dr. C reached out to him today to touch base. She explained to me that with this new federally required test, all the donors in the pool had to get rescreened. So, now that hubby has his test done and results, she can start to match us up with donors who have their test done and the results back. She did say we were very high on the list and she is very hopeful to soon be able to call us with a match. She said this new test has really put a delay on everything but it's good to have and a great step to take to insure the offspring are healthy.

I did call hubby and ask if Dr. C called him...he said yes but basically it was the same information we received from M yesterday. He down plays I'm just letting it be because it's not worth it for me to freak out if he's not worried. They did suggest talking to a genetic counselor again, but of course Hubby is stubborn and is "cool with the results." So, here we are again...we were overloaded with communication from the clinic today (with basically no new news) and are still waiting...but, at least I understand why now.

Just waiting....waiting....waiting....

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