Tuesday, August 4, 2015



So, our big RN Consultation is tomorrow and they sent a packet in the mail with a bunch of information and dates for when certain things need to be completed, specifically the Rx's. Being the crazy, Type A personality that I am, I decided to jump the gun and get everything taken care of so I could bring the prescriptions to the Clinic tomorrow for our consult. I even asked the Donor Coordinator if this was OK and she suggested a few places to call and get quotes for and potentially get my prescrips filled at.

Well, I called and all the places said, "We do not expect faxed prescriptions from patients." So, I said screw it and just brought in my RX's to a pharmacy the clinic suggested and one who also accepted my discount card via Attain. I was all excited to actually be getting somewhere and all the medicine would be bundled together for pickup that night. BUT, then the clinic started emailing me saying, "No, no, no!" "You can get way cheaper options online like where we told you to go." And then I was like, "Yea, no...you didn't tell me to go online, you told me to go here. So I went there." (I didn't even know there was such things as online pharmacies...but, I digress. The clinic basically told me to STOP everything and wait until our consult where things will be much more clear. I wanted to just yell at the computer screen, "PLEASE BE MORE CLEAR and DO NOT PUT NEED DATES ON FORMS IF THEY ARE FALSE." Or, they should've just said/listed somewhere that this is informative ONLY. Please do not do anything until after our consult. CASE CLOSED.

OMG. I was livid. I literally emailed M and complained yet again...she's probably getting so sick of me. Poor lady. I told her I was just venting (because I don't want the donor coordinator to get into trouble) which was true...but, when you're trying to get pregnant and not stress out, THIS DOES HELP!!!!!!!!!! It's just hard when they tell you one thing and then change it. I'm extremely proactive, so I guess this is a downfall of mine because I can't sit and wait...I'm always on the go, go, GO!

But, anyway...the pharmacy is on hold until we know more information. All is fine on that front. But, we got home last night and hubby was furious. He received a bill in the mail for the recessive disease test he took back in June that was $299. He paid with a check at the appointment and they told him it was paid in full. No need to bill insurance, nothing. BUT, we got a bill for the same procedure and it cost MORE. Of course, he's stubborn and was like, "I'm not paying that! I'm not calling. Screw them." So, I had to talk him off the ledge last night and basically made the call to the billing office to figure out what was going on...(and texted M to complain/vent yet again...like I said, POOR WOMAN).

Turns out, our account was charged twice...she said there was a duplicate ticket showing that there were two procedures when there was only one. The lady was very nice and she said "Unfortunately, I can't just say it was an error and take off the charge." But, she was investigating and would most likely be able to cancel once she confirmed with the clinic....

Oh the joy...


  1. Yikes! So much hassle! The ordering of meds initially was so stressful trying to find the best place and get everything coordinated. And the billing situation just sounds like a headache. :( I hope they get it figured out soon!

    1. Things are good - meds are taken care of :)
