Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Am I missing something???

So, I guess I have a little more on my mind right now because I've been around some other Prego's lately and I'm starting to second guess myself. Normally, I'm a very put together person...I like to plan and prep; I like to be organized and ready for anything that may come my way. However, with this pregnancy, I've been calm, somewhat relaxed (when I can be)....because I know it's good and helpful for baby. I haven't been stressing out over a ton of things and now I'm wondering if I should be or should've done this sooner????

I mean, I've been trying to eat well and healthy when I can (and don't have crazy cravings), I've only put on 8.5lbs and I'm almost 23 weeks -- I did start out on the heavier size for my height. I've been taking my prenatal and trying to exercise (walking the dogs) when I can. I'm getting good sleep, resting when my body needs it, and drinking lots of water. But, I haven't been asking crazy questions to the doctor. I haven't been overanalyzing every lotion, cream, spray I use on my body. I haven't been stressing out about daycare or finding a childcare provider. I haven't even started a nursery, picked out strollers, car seats, bouncers, diapers, etc. Should I be doing this? Am I not going to be ready for this baby?

The reason I'm asking all this is because lots of people who are currently pregnant have been giving me feedback about their doctors appointments, the questions they ask, all the things they are doing to plan/prep and I feel like I'm not in the same boat! One of my friends said she actually had long lists of questions she brought with to the doctor each visit for him to answer...and I was like "Wha?!" I mean, I've had a few questions here and there but I figured if anything was wrong or if he wanted me to know something specifically, he'd tell me, right? Am I missing something?? Oh dear...I'm freaking out. At the beginning, we had lots of questions because we were transferred from the fertility clinic and I was still on crazy meds and stuff but now, I'm a "normal" person and haven't had much to ask about -- I mean, every website, pregnancy app, etc. out there tells you so much....I just feel like I'm getting more than enough information without having to bug the doctor about it. Maybe I'm in the wrong and need to do more or maybe I'm ok...I'm just freaking out.
OK -- lets take a break from this stress and look at baby pictures. Here are more from the CD we got at our Anatomy scan!

Apparently this is the face...I can't see it.

This is the "nose/lips" -- I can actually see this one...the tech basically told us it's like looking UP your nose, from you have to change the context in which you are thinking.

Here is a little hand and fingers -- you can see the thumb on the left and the fingers on the right all sprawled out.

So, other than my crazy rant above...things are going really well. EXCEPT my ankles don't like the heat and humidity...every once in a while, they flare up and I need to rest them. But, I'm feeling good. I did have a guy from work come up to me today to congratulate me on being pregnant. He's newer but has been here for a good 4-5 months. Verbatim, this is what he said, "Joy, is it true?? I heard you are pregnant! Congratulations!" I looked at him, then down at my watermelon belly and back up at him again with this puzzled look on my face and said, "Yes, Kevin, I'm over half way pregnant hence the smuggled watermelon I carry under my clothes." Oh dear...haha. Yes. I'm sarcastic and not a nice person, but it's funny! haha

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