Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Ok. So this post is completely unrelated to our fertility journey but was basically discovered ON it. Thought I'd share....DAIRY IS THE DEVIL. MY BODY HATES IT. I don't know how much I have "talked" about this but a few posts back you saw that I did a Whole30 challenge that basically cut out dairy, sugar, carbs, liquor, etc. for 30 days. Since then, I've been trying to re-introduce these items back in to see if there are any issues.

A couple years ago, I was tested for allergies and they claimed that I was "allergic" to dairy...not lactose intolerant. Most of the time, people get these two things confused or think they are the same, but they are completely different entities. Lactose intolerance is basically the inability to digest lactose, a natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. Whereas a milk/dairy allergy refers to your body/immune system reacting abnormally to a foreign substance, aka cow's milk and other types of milk or products containing milk. Regardless of the specifics, with both of these, it is recommended to completely avoid and/or limit drastically your dairy consumption.

When the doc told me this, I was like BOGUS. I've eaten, drank, LOVED milk, cheese, yogurt, pizza, etc. my whole life. I haven't had a single symptom or sign saying that I'm "allergic to dairy." He kind of laughed at me and said, "You know your inflammation issues, your intestinal issues, your weight issues, your gas and bloating issues (and mind you the list goes on and on and on), those are all symptoms of your body FIGHTING against the dairy aka foreign substance in your body that it HATES. He basically told me that if I were to cut it out for a longer period of time and then try to reintroduce it back in, I would see a clearer picture of the specific symptoms and feel 100% better while NOT consuming dairy. Of course, I didn't listen and two years passed by.

It wasn't until I did this Whole30 in May and that's when I saw the light....I literally cut all the crap out of my diet and BOOM, I felt sooooo much better. I thought to myself, maybe he was right??? But, I had to test out the, even though I felt better, had no gas or bloating, no abdominal discomfort, less inflammation...I decided to try to introduce dairy back into my life because, let's face it....I LOVE PIZZZZZZZZZZZA. Well, SH*T hit the fan literally...I mean, it was BAD. I couldn't go two steps away from the toilet, it was honestly coming out of both ends at the same time (I know, TMI...sorry). BUT, it was bad. I told myself, I'm never eating dairy again...I can't believe this...

Well, for whatever reason, my head doesn't get it even when my body is telling it to stop and convulses to the point where I have to lay in the fetal position on our bed, holding my tummy. Why is it so hard for me to give up something I love even though I know it'll make me feel better?!?!?! I dont' get it and it happened again today at work. Good Lord. Would someone please slap me and say, "It's your choice, you know how you're going to feel. DO NOT EAT THE DAIRY!!! DAIRY is the DEVIL!"

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