It's day 19 and I'm very frustrated. This seems to be a recurring theme throughout this whole process. In my little booklet and per the nurses, I was supposed to call in on day 18 between 2 and 3PM to get an update and touch base. However, when I did that (on a Friday before Labor Day weekend), I got voicemail after voicemail, even though the clinic was open. I left messages and then sent my coordinator an email to find out she's on PTO until Tuesday...which is just lovely. I proceeded to call back to the clinic in the hopes to ask for someone else and found out that it was closed. Again, lovely.
So, we're going into a long holiday weekend not knowing what is happening. The coordinator did tell me earlier in the week that our donor was looking to get her trigger shot on the 6th instead of the, if that is the case, that means it is tomorrow and apparently, I'm supposed to be doing stuff aka PIO shots once she gets her shot but I'm a little confused about how it'll all go down, let alone nervous about the shots.
M suggested that I call the clinic early this morning to talk to someone about the status being they are required to have someone onsite all the time to deal with these things. You can't control the human body and regardless of whether or not it's the weekend or a holiday, baby making happens all the time. So, I called the clinic and someone answered the phone and immediately put me on hold..."That you for calling, please hold" -- I sat on hold for over 5 minutes and finally decided to hang up and call back 10 minutes later. Same thing happened, this time I was only on hold for a few minutes and the lady came on asking me what I needed. I tried to explain to her who I was looking for, that I had left messages the day prior and everyone is on vacation. She then asked me if I was on the donor list and looking for an update and I said NO, we're in the PROCESS and need to know what is going on and what we need to do because they told me to call and NO ONE IS AROUND. After a while of trying to explain this to the lady, I started to ask why no one would be there when this is extremely crucial information and times for people who are going through this and she assured me that there were nurses there to help with this process. I asked her if my donor does her trigger shot tomorrow, who is going to call me and let us know? Who is going to tell us what to do next because it's the weekend and to top it off, a holiday. She took down all my information and said someone would call me back....but, that was 2 hours ago, no one has called me back and it says the clinic is closed now. LOVELY.
I'm just overwhelmed. My husband doesn't get it because he doesn't understand the specifics of how everything is intertwined. So, I just sit here and blog vent because I'm not sure what else to do...with something so serious, I don't understand why people blow it off or don't care as much as they should. Maybe I'm over reacting but I just want an update. I keep telling myself to trust the process and to believe that this is the "best" place to be and everything will be fine. But, with all the junk that keeps happening and the lack of communication, I'm not sure it is.
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