Thursday, June 11, 2015

Stay Tuned for Something AWESOME

If you're following this blog, you know we're in the stages of waiting for a baby...while also trying to get my husband to finish his testing and lose 20lbs off my gorgeous arsss... that being said, hubby went in on Sunday morning to get his blood test. So, check that one off the list! Of course I asked him how it went and he was like, "It was just a blood've had a million of them." **Rolling my eyes** I told him I understood that it was JUST A BLOOD test but did anything cool happen? Did you get stuck in the parking garage? Did you see any cool bike riders on the street? I mean, COME ON. But, it's done. SO, there is literally nothing more for us to do. Nothing.

That being said, 30 or so days ago I embarked on a new challenge...I started the Whole30 program to help me get more balanced and lose some weight (even though that is not it's focus). They basically have you cut out all gluten, grains, dairy, liquor (yea, I know! CRAZY.), soy and added sugar. Sounds pretty tough, right? Well it was and it really kicked my ass in the beginning. I was having withdrawals, headaches, etc. But, I made it through and this is what happened....on Day 31, I had to step on the scale and take my measurements. With anticipation, I did but before I reminded myself of the non-scale victories...I'm less bloated and inflamed, no more abdominal discomfort or cramping; I'm more even tempered and have a better mood overall, no more headaches; I'm sleeping better, my clothes are fitting better and I'm more comfortable in my own skin!

While these non-scale victories are great, the numbers are as follows...I'm down almost 10 pounds and I have lost a total of 14.25" overall. Specifically, 9 inches between my waist/abdomen/buttocks! WOW - Success. After this amazing accomplishment, I went out and bought myself an anchor necklace representing STRENGTH and not letting yourself SINK regardless of the situation or the trials you have to deal with on a daily basis. 

I have never once given myself the chance to do something, commit to something, and actually DO it before. I have always fallen short or given up on myself and I'm happy and proud to say that I didn't do that this time. I finished. 

Although the weight loss was good, it's not yet where the doctors want me to be or where they suggested I be for an embryo transfer. So, I'm going to keep going and continue doing what I"ve been doing to get the results I want to see. Hopefully, within the next month or two, I'll be where I need to be and will have a "better" update.

Stay tuned....

Image result for stay tuned

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