Thursday, May 21, 2015

Another Test...

I got home from work yesterday to find my husband in the kitchen, chilling on the counter stool holding a piece of paper, reading it intensely. Then, all of a sudden, he just took this paper and chucked it across the table, like "WTF!?" I had no clue what was up and proceeded with caution...I asked him to explain what he was upset about and it turns out he got the mail, and in it was a letter from the Fertility Clinic. It was a personalized letter to him noting new developments in donor egg protocols. It basically told him that they now require screening for all male partners for recessive diseases to be sure that the egg donor and the male partner do not share any recessive mutations that would cause significant issues in offspring. I understand where they are coming from and appreciate the specific precautions they are taking...but, why didn't they know this earlier and why couldn't it have been taken care of when he was there recently for his other testing?

We sit here and wait for the next steps to happen in our journey to parenthood and receive this note...then they throw the price out there at us. Another $299.00 test that requires a blood sample (even though he was just there a couple weeks ago and paid a nice amount of money to get all the other tests done and also had to take time off work to make the trek to the inner city from our hometown)...frustrating. Of course, he made a big deal and huffed and puffed and threatened to "blow the house down." "I'm not going there again!" "What am I supposed to tell my boss?" "You know, I had to take time off work to go there last time!" "Another $300...come on!!!" "I'm not doing it." 

Well, this struck a nerve with me...yea, it was another 300 bucks...but, they probably didn't know about it before and it was just a blood sample. He didn't have to get anything shoved up his vagina. He didn't have to whack off to some hot chick in a magazine (ok..I guess he'd probably enjoy that one again.) But, geesh. Was it really that big of a deal to say, "I'm done...not doing it." I got to the point where I was like, "Fine. Whatever. Stop being a baby. This is the least you have to stop being such a whiny baby and grow up." Knock some sense into him! I think he got the picture and got over it...but, I'm sure I'm going to have to call. I'm going to have to set up the appointment. I'm going to have to figure out a time for him to go in and get all this done. But, I guess you do what you have to do? Time will tell.

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