Thursday, May 7, 2015

Lovely Meds.

So, as you can tell, I'm new at this blog thing and I'm trying to get you guys caught up on what we've gone through and where we are today. Per the last post, we made it on the donor list and now we're on a new, fresh path. It's somewhat surreal because I was once on a list 11 years ago...waiting for a bone marrow donor to save my life from leukemia. Crazy to think, 11 years later, I'm on another donor list, waiting for a life changing miracle. 

The nurses called me to get all set, I had to get put on birth control pills to start regulating my hormones and get onto a normal cycle. I would do this for 3 months while we wait for a donor. We also had to go in and get a bunch of tests done, both myself and my hubby. They said normally, people would wait 6-8 months to get a donor that matches the requirements of couples, so we needed to be patient. But, it bumps us up on the list if we get our pre-testing done as some couples on the list do not do this right away, therefore jeopardizing their chances of advances to the top. 

Of course, we both went in and got things scheduled and taken care of right away. I had to go in for a practice embryo transfer and blood draw - they basically put me back in the stirrups and stuck the probe up inside my goods and looked at my uterus...wanted to make sure there were no cysts, issues, name it. They also did a saline infused sonogram where they implanted saline in my uterus like an egg...everything went great. Dr. C said my lady parts were perfect and there were absolutely no issues. It wasn't the most pleasant, but it was a good feeling to hear that something "good" was an outcome. My hubby on the other hand, just had to go in and look at dirty magazines with beautiful, naked women and give a sperm sample for analysis...yup. That's it. He had to have a blood draw too just to make sure he didn't have STD's...wouldn't that have been a shocker?!? 

I started taking the pills and my body hated them....I mean, I haven't had normal hormones for years and then poof, here you go! Here are a bunch of hormones...just deal with it. I felt fat, I had crazy mood swings, I wanted to eat everything in sight. I literally called the nurse and was like, "Is there anything else I can take? These meds are making me CRA-CRA!!!" She said no, of course...unfortunately, this is what we need you to take...this is what you have to take until you're ready to have a baby. I was so pissed. They told me to switch the time of day I was taking the pills to help with cravings and not eating everything in site. 10 additional pounds later, I was coping better and dealing with the situation...but, UGH. 

A couple days later, we received the results of our tests....of course, hubby's came back perfect. 100% penetration, lots of swimmers. My ultrasound tests were great but the blood tests weren't. Apparently, on top of my ovarian hormonal issues...I also had a bunch of thyroid issues. So, now, they are also putting me on thyroid meds to get those hormones in a normal range... I actually was excited because I've always struggled with weight since I was a child and figured these hormones were playing a part. I asked if being put on these meds would help and the nurse said, possibly but it wasn't guaranteed...I still had to make good choices and exercise. They also told me it would be beneficial for me to lose a good 20 pounds before getting pregnant. TWENTY POUNDS!!!!!!!!!  Are you kidding? I've been trying to fricken lose weight for a LONG TIME AND I CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!! I've tried every diet out there, every fad...nothing works, I have no self control of course, too. I mean, didn't you just see, I gained 10 fricken pounds just by being on those stupid birth control pills?!?!?! and P.S. what's the point of this BC pills when I can't get pregnant normally anyways!!!!????

Angry. Pissed. Disappointed. 

So, now I'm trying to lose weight...I'm trying to regulate all these stupid hormones...I'm trying to get my thyroid into a normal zone....I've been on the birth control for 3 months already and need to go in and get my thyroid checked to see if the new meds they put me on are working...Good Lord. 

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