You'd think I would be nervous...but, I was actually OK. I went to work super early because they could only get my in later on in the morning so instead of staying home and going to work after, I decided to go in. It was helpful because I didn't sit and think about the what-ifs, I kept busy and left the office when needed.
I got to the clinic and went to the bathroom because everyone knows that my bladder is an entirely different being and likes to overfill with no warning. I sat down ready to wait and funny thing is, I didn't have to wait long. Heather peeked her head around the corner and said, "We're ready for you!" I was so happy and relieved to see her...she is the best tech by far. I even told her I already went to the bathroom and she smiled, apologetically, for last week's ordeal.
I got to the room and I swear my shoes were off before she even shut the door...again, you all know the drill. I sat my bare bum on the table and prayed to have a good nurse. I did -- Dori and Heather walked back in to the room and got the show on the road. Dori has always been super supportive too and a little fun. Insert probe now....I looked at the screen, Heather pushed on my tummy a little to get a better read. Then we watched...the millimeters went up....
EIGHT MILLIMETERS!!!!!!!!! 8 MM!!!!!!!!!
WE ARE AT 8 MM!!!!!!!!!! This is the thickest my lining has EVER been. I MEAN EVER. OMG OMG OMG. 8MM!!!!!!!
Heather confirmed, 8mm; Dori said we're GOLDEN - Transfer is tomorrow! Before she could even get that lovely stick out of my goods, by body started convulsing on the table...I was crying, happy tears of course. As soon as Heather cleaned up, I sat up and all three of us bounced off the walls a little...jumped for JOY, we hugged. Heather has seen my lining at the beginning when it was the very worst, the middle with the rollercoasters of readings, and now the good. WE ARE HERE. Dori put her hand on my shoulder and asked if I was going to be able to go back to work..and I told her, YES.YES.YES. These are happy tears....two years later, we are here. TOMORROW IS TRANSFER DAY. OMG.

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