Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Transfer Day (March 9, 2016)

I can't believe is transfer day.

I took today off from work... and also plan to have PTO on Thursday. I'll work from home on Friday, too, just to be safe and stress free. Hubby had the day off, last night we ordered take out, drank a whole bottle of wine and cheers to the "last supper." We slept in this transfer was scheduled for 12:45PM, so we had the whole morning to relax, drink coffee and be with each other. Miss N was also planning to do acupuncture before and after the transfer, so our plan was to meet her at the clinic at 11:15 to get started. We were so excited (hubby was a little nervous)...

I had everything ready the day before...I cleaned the house, went shopping and picked up some food that would be easy to cook or reheat when I was on bed rest after the transfer. I prepped my meds, water and everything I needed to bring with to the clinic. My Valium was laid out, my bendy straws, my Vitamin, we left the house without a hitch. Made our way to the clinic and checked in. We let them know that we were checking for our FET and of course the receptionists just treated it like any other day...I mean, they deal with this every day and see me every week, so same old, same old. But, I didn't let that bog me down...we also told them we were meeting with Miss N before and after. They went to try and find her but of course couldn't... I heard them talking and apparently the new people didn't know what she looked like and had to have someone else find her. I just texted her and let her know we were here...lets just cut out the middle man. Miss N came to get up....she was in scrubs and I barely recognized her. Then it started to sink in...this is the day. She took us back to the IVF suite and we got our scrubs. I had to get the lovely hospital gown with the opening in the back. They made me wear one that was open in the back and one like a house coat so I didn't display my dairy air. We met the IVF nurse that was going to be in on the transfer and she explained to us a few details...everything felt so calm and stress free. I couldn't get the smile off of my face.

We got all situated in the Acupuncture room...the lights were dim and instrumental music was playing. Miss N explained the process, what was going to happen, the details and science behind it all. Then we got to the needles...Hubby was in the room too and I asked Miss N if she could give him some needles to calm down :) But, she couldn't of course. As soon as the needles were in, she left the room so we could have some "alone time." As soon as she left, Hubby kept messing with the fricken needles!! He's like "What if I do this? Can I touch that?" He was fiddling with everything...I literally was like, "WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE RELAXING!"

10 minutes later, I took my Valium (one hour before the actual transfer) and drank all my water to fill up my bladder. They wanted it nice and full because it helps with the ultrasound when actually putting the embryo in my uterus. After about 30 minutes, Miss N came back in and removed the needles and then gave me a lovely massage until the nurse came to get us. During this time, Hubby and I were holding hands and relaxing. All of a sudden, a song came on the speakers...and I couldn't believe my ears. It was the instrumental version of our wedding song....cue the waterworks. Everyone is crying. I couldn't believe it. It was a sign...this was it. This was the time. This is our time. We are finally here and we are ready.

I'm bawling just writing this darn post.

So, the nurse came in to get us...she brought us just next door and we were situated. There was literally a "drive thru" window in the room where all the embryos were stored. The doctor came in and it was Dr. E, a lady :), who was extremely soft-hearted and excited for our big day. She spoke calmly and clearly and reassured us that all will be great. She let us know that the thaw went perfectly...we decided to just do one embryo instead of two for transferring after speaking to our Doctor. We had a beautiful stage 5 blastocyst embryo just waiting to get into my soft, cushy uterine lining. She handed us a picture of our little peanut and I was just in shock...this is my little peanut, our little peanut. 

By this time, my Valium is kicking in more and I have to pee but it didn't matter...there was so much adrenaline running through my body, I didn't have a care in the world. THEN, Heather came in to be the tech for ultrasound during the transfer and I just squealed :) As you know, she is the best and it was so nice to have yet another familiar face in the room. The drive through window opened and another tech came in asking for confirmations, dates of birth/names, etc. They put an ankle medical bracelet on my leg (I felt like I was getting bagged). Then all was a go. It was time. Insert speculum now. That was probably the worst part about it all...and my full bladder that was about to burst. 

Heather checked my bladder, good and full (I could've told her that!). Then they did a trial transfer to make sure the doctor entered my uterus correctly and had a clear view of the end goal. It went perfectly. Nice and straight. No problems. They complimented me on my beautiful uterus again...this seems to be a recurring theme. I'm not sure what they mean when they say that...but, I guess it's pretty. The tech in the drive thru gave Dr. E the catheter with our little peanut...I wanted to yell at her to not F it up, but it all went so quickly. I barely knew they were doing anything. I could see the burst of fluid that comes out of the catheter when they inserted it into my body, but other than that...nothing. She told me they were done and I was like "What?! I'm pregnant now??" They checked the catheter just to make sure the embryo did exit properly...only a microscope could verify those details and it did. Our little peanut was my uterine lining. Ready for a 9 month stay (fingers crossed). 

They made me stay there for about 10 minutes, laying down, and then had me go empty my bladder. I know this isn't how it works, but I kept thinking...if I pee, it's going to fall out!! Miss N took us back into her room, we finished our acupuncture and then hubby took me home for some much deserved bed rest aka couch fest.

OMG. I was impregnated today! Meet our Little Peanut :) 

Sorry, I didn't show you our faces :) Confidentiality, ya know! But, I still love you all - thanks for your support!

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