They stuck that lovely stick up my vajayjay and I didn't want to look at the screen, but I did (of course). As she was measuring...the mm's kept going up and up...4mm, 5mm, 6mm.....7mm.....7.4MM!!! My lining was at 7.4MM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both the tech and Theresa said, "WELL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!"
I couldn't believe it...I cried. I asked what does this mean?? What's happening next?? What is going on??? They told me that the injections were working and now the doctor would have to review everything to determine the next steps. I asked myself, could we do a transfer next week???? So, I went back to work and waited. I waited for the call, I waited for the next steps. I couldn't believe it...I was so relieved that we didn't switch clinics, that we didn't doubt our doctors, that we just kept moving...and didn't give up.
Theresa called that afternoon and told me that Dr. C would like me to have a bleed and start up again on the injections. They want to actually do my frozen embryo transfer next month!! Honestly, I was hoping they would've told me that I could start my PIO Shots right away and do the transfer next week, but next month will be just A-OK!
So, I followed their protocol....stopped the meds and had a bleed. But, we went out for Valentine's Day like it was our last hooooo-rah! We went downtown, had a fancy dinner, rented a hotel room and had a little staycation! Best. VDAY. EVER.
What wonderful news. Hoping everything is going well.