OMG. It's Day 14.
DAY 14. This is one of the biggest milestone days we have encountered in some time... This was the day that would tell us if we were actually moving forward with our FET transfer. THIS IS IT.
I was so nervous. I went back to the clinic....stopped by the bathroom just because I was so nervous and emptied my bladder. Checked in and sat down, waiting for my name to be called. I literally was shaking...I couldn't breathe, I was nervous. I had my legs crossed because I thought that would help...but, it didn't. I started shaking profusely. Then, they called my name BUT it wasn't was the lab, they wanted to do blood work first because I guess US was super busy. Great. JUST GET ON WITH IT. ha.
They took my blood and put me back in the waiting room...about 10 minutes later, Heather, my fav US tech called me back. You know the drill, get nakey, sit on table, use sheet, etc. When she came back, she brought in a nurse I didn't even know...yet again. Her name was Sue. I remember this time. It was someone I had never seen before. She talked very loud. I could tell she was rude from the get go, but I tried to just smile through it and tell myself there were bigger and better things out there and to not stress out about the dumb nurse. I even complimented her sweater but she didn't seem to care. Heather started to do the ultrasound and made a funny face....she told me I would have to go to the bathroom again so she could get an accurate reading/view...and I told her I literally just went. But...I got dressed again, went out to the bano, emptied my bladder, got back into the room, got undressed again, and sat my ass on the table. By this time, I was just aggravated. Sue and Heather came back in and the procedure went on as planned...I watched the monitor, the mm's went up...4mm, 5mm....6mm....7mm. And that was that. 7MM on the nose. I was excited but bummed. The last time I was in...I was over 7mm and now, when I was hoping for more, I was barely at 7. BUT, Heather told me it looked great... there was a tiny bit of fluid but not enough to even measure. Sue, basically yelled at me and said, OK - you're good to go. Start your Progesterone and we'll see you next week. Then she got ready to leave.
I looked at her and said, "EXCUSE ME!? What the HECK are you talking about? What do I do? What's going on?" She basically looked at me like I was a fricken idiot and said, "Didn't anyone go over this with you??" I basically told her NO, no one told me anything...I don't know what is going on. They wanted me to wait until today to basically see if we were even going to move forward. I wanted to bitch slap her. What a ass. I told her she needed to tell me what to do, what was going on, what dates, meds, etc. I needed to have. She literally looked at my with a blank stare...then proceeded to say, "Well, I can draw on your circles if you want for your PIO shots." I looked her straight in the eyes and said, "Really, Sue? IF you read my files, you would've known we've been doing estrogen injections for the last two months." After that, I left knowing that someone would call me this afternoon after Dr. C reviewed the details.
That afternoon Theresa called me and literally apologized for Sue and how she treated me. I basically told her it wasn't the best experience and would prefer to have someone involved in my case that cared and knew about what was going on. She then proceeded to tell me what to do. Start my PIO on Friday - 1 ml daily. Continue my estradiol valerate 0.6 ml twice a week. Continue with my 81 mg of baby aspirin daily. Start my Doxycycline on Sunday, twice daily with food for 4 days. Also, find a prenatal and start taking that daily as well.
They wanted me to come back in on Day 20, just for a last lining check to ensure everything was where it should be. Then on Day 21, March 9th...we would do a frozen embryo transfer! Oh my gosh you guys...we are here. ALMOST.
This is getting so exciting! And I'm so glad they apologized for Sues rude behavior.